"Changemakers Crafting A Difference" exhibition with Tal Fitzpatrick at Hubbub 2024. Photo by Maja Baska.

About Hub Upstairs Gallery

Opened in 2023, Hub Upstairs Gallery is a new display space in Springwood, showcasing our vibrant Arts community with regularly changing exhibitions from Blue Mountains visual artists. Information on exhibiting at Hub Upstairs Gallery is detailed under the Opportunities page.

Location: Level 1, Blue Mountains Theatre and Community Hub, 106 Macquarie Street Springwood

Opening Hours: 9 am – 6 pm Monday to Friday, 10 am - 4 pm Saturday and Sunday, and when the theatre is open for events outside of these hours

Admission: Free

Contact: For enquiries about applying to exhibit, please check the Opportunities page for updates. For general enquiries about exhibitions, please email hubreception@bmcc.nsw.gov.au or phone 4780 5050.

Teri Hiley | Voyeurs All

5 February to 2 April 2025

The function of portrait painting has changed over the centuries but the habit of people watching has not. It is part of the human condition. Artist Teri Hiley has taken many candid photos of people over the years. Ordinary people doing ordinary things catches her eye. People being themselves. This body of work portrays her impressions of those people.

Image: TERI HILEY Blues Fantasy 2023, acrylic on canvas 45 x 45 cm

Annabelle Solomon Phd | Staying Alive: Threads in Time

Coming soon - 3 April to 3 June 2025

In the ‘still life’ genre, these works explore the timeless
passages in a lifetime. Textiles, woven, stitched, embroidered,
record personal and universal stories - as do flowers. Material
fabrications and floral presentations acknowledge so many
of life’s rites of passage. Flowers evoke memories, giving
recognition to feelings of joy and love, sorrow and forgiveness.

ANNABELLE SOLOMON PhD Carpe Diem (detail) 2024, textile collage machine quilted, 56 x 40 cm

Past Exhibitions


Adam Wolnicki | The Tales of the City
Sara Elizabeth Joyce | Other Worlds
Anna Di Mezza | In Dreams 


Helen Shields | Snap Crackle POP
Frances Feasey | Good Night Sun
Tal Fitzpatrick | Changemakers: Crafting a difference
Operation Art | The Children’s Hospital at Westmead in partnership with The NSW Department of Education

Image: In Dreams exhibition by Anna Di Mezza, presented by Hub Upstairs Gallery in 2023.